Our Supporters
We work with our many partners in different ways. Common to all is their compassion and commitment to helping vulnerable children through their actions and generosity. Together we change lives for the better.
Principal Partner
Mercedes-Benz Cars Australia
Mercedes-Benz Cars Australia joined Brainwave as a Principal Partner in March 2012. This partnership has helped improve the lives of many Brainwave children and their families.
The ongoing commitment by Mercedes-Benz Cars Australia and the Mercedes-Benz Dealer network demonstrates the power of a genuine partnership, with employees volunteering their time at family events and financially contributing to Brainwave through workplace giving. Mercedes-Benz customers, dealership owners, and employees also assist Brainwave through numerous fundraising initiatives. They are all part of our extended Brainwave family.

Philanthropic Trusts
Westpac Foundation
Yoga Aid Fund
Willam Angliss Trust Fund
Barr Foundation
Lord Mayors Charitable Fund
Fairways Golf Foundation
Angior Family Foundation
Boncal Family Foundation
The Erridge Family