Apply for Funding

This application is to be completed by a treating health practitioner for items or services relating directly to the child’s brain illness or injury, and/or impact on the family resulting in emotional, social, or financial hardship. Products and services will be considered where alternative funding sources are not available and are deemed beyond family’s capacity to meet. Please ensure that you have the following items ready before you begin filling out this form:

 *Support letter saved as PDF, doc. or docx file
*Quote saved as a PDF, doc. or doxc. file


Child with neurological condition

                                                                                             To select more than one neurological condition please use your command or control key on your keyboard.

Parent/Guardian details

Please leave no spaces between the numbers

Applicant Declaration

please include area code

Funding request

Supporting Documentation

Please note that only PDF, .doc and .docx files can be uploaded

Upload a letter of support from hospital/ medical service representative overseeing the care of the child.

The quote may be for equipment, therapy or financial assistance.
Please be patient while this form processes - it may take up to 30 seconds.