Dylan is one of our wonderful Brainwave kids. He was diagnosed with hypotonic cerebral palsy, autism and a hearing impairment at two years old. Dylan loves big open spaces, trees and beaches. He has a passion for trains, planes and all things Dr Seuss.
Due to his cerebral palsy, Dylan tires very quickly and he requires a disability pram. He has no understanding of road safety so having a suitable pram is crucial.
Dylan’s family were using the disability pram obtained when he was a pre-schooler, however, at 8 years of age, Dylan had outgrown his chair. The wait for a new NDIS approved chair was 12 months, and in the interim Dylan’s family had to make do without transport. With the assistance of their medical team, the family approached Brainwave to fund a new disability pram for Dylan.
Dylan’s pram has made a big impact on his everyday life, he is now able to join his family on a range of expeditions. He loves nature and now thanks to his new wheels he can explore the outdoors!
“Funding means we can go out again as a family which means the world to us! We are now able to take Dylan out and about for family bush walks or even just a simple trip to Woollies. From all of our family we would like to say thank you so much for this gift. It has been life changing for everyone, most of all his little sister who so enjoys having big brother Dylan with her on family trips and walks.” Zoe, mother of Dylan – aged 8