Meet lovely Arissa At 3 years of age, Arissa loves her unicorn toy and has the most fun when she is playing with her siblings and listening to music!
Arissa has Ataxic Cerebral Palsy and difficulty with moving and controlling her body. Extremely delayed in all areas of her development, Arissa needs significant assistance and support with all activities of daily living.
Arissa’s family applied to Brainwave for a Second Skin Lateral Stability Splint to assist with controlling her ataxia and increasing her stability in all positions. Arissa’s therapist says “The splint has made such a positive difference, and has enabled Arissa to high kneel and move around the couch, and practice walking with her walking frame which she was previously unable to do”
Arissa and her family “would like to thank Brainwave and their sponsors for their wonderful support and generosity…. supporting children and their families at an extremely difficult time”.